We very much look forward to welcoming Jon Kenny to our lecture programme on Wednesday 15 February. Winner of the 2015 Council for British Archaeology Marsh Award for Community Archaeologist of the Year, Jon has inspired many groups to explore their heritage in the Yorkshire region. After working with the Archaeology Data Service and then the York Archaeological Trust, he set up his own business supporting Community Archaeology. In this lecture he will be talking about recent projects in the southern Vale of York including Romano-British and medieval Cawood, Hook Manor and many other sites around the Ouse and Derwent. For more details about Jon and his projects see his website: https://www.jkcomarc.co.uk/home
Entry is free to ERAS members and £2 for guests. We very much look forward to meeting our members and supporters at the University but understand that on some occasions it can be difficult to attend in person. We therefore also stream live to ERAS members via a digital link received via email prior to the presentation.