Lecture: The Geoarchaeology of Roman Sites and the Reuse of Their Building Materials. - Richard Myerscough

We look forward to welcoming Richard Myerscough, a former teacher at Bridlington School, part time lecturer in Geology at Hull University, and leading light in projects around Flamborough and Tophill Low. Richard has become one of the leading experts in the geology of Eastern Yorkshire. In this lecture he will be discussing the rocks of the region and their uses in the construction of Roman buildings and their reuse in churches and other structures.

Entry free to ERAS members. £2 entry on the door to guests

We also stream the lectures digitally but this is available to ERAS members only. An email will be sent before the lecture with the relevant code needed to view the presentation so please make sure we have an up to date email address.

September 20, 2023 at 7:30pm - 9pm
LT1, Wilberforce Building, The University of Hull, Cottingham Rd, Hull
