Get Involved
ERAS membership is open to all with no upper or lower age limit.
Annual Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December although you can join at any time of the year. New members joining after 1st September are entitled to full membership until the end of the following year.
Current membership fees applicable from the 1st January 2023 are:
Under 18/ Student membership (full time education) £10.00
Ordinary membership £20.00
Family membership £25.00
Subscriptions are renewable each year on January 1st and can be paid by cash, cheque, bank direct credit or via PayPal using the Subscribe button below. If you wish, you can pay directly to the ERAS PayPal account at [email protected].
If you are interested in joining ERAS please come along to any of our events, or download a membership form from either of the links below and send it with your payment to the ERAS membership secretary at the address below. Alternatively subscribe using the PayPal button below.
Payments are accepted; at our events by cash, cheque or bank card via PayPal (If we can get a phone signal!). Pay directly via PayPal at [email protected], or by direct bank transfer (Account details and/or a standing order mandate form can be requested from the Membership Secretary)
If you are applying by post please enclose a cheque with your membership form, or alternatively subscribe via PayPal using the button below. Don't forget to still send us a membership form though.
We welcome members from overseas but regretfully we will have to add additional postage costs relating to our publications and newsletters where applicable. We are happy to advise on request.
32 Woodgate Road
Hull, HU5 5AH