Fridaythorpe, Fimber, Wetwang Archaeological Project (FFWAP) is a practical archaeology investigation group formed and chaired by Alison Spencer and partnered by the Roman Roads Research Association. Their first excavation, overseen by James Lyall, has just started and runs until 17th September which will be an Open Day.
Three trenches are to be opened on a ladder settlement, near Fridaythorpe, where 2nd- 4th century pottery has been found. One trench will include part of a trackway within the ladder settlement, along with two enclosure ditches. A second trench will examine the site of a strong magnetic anomaly which might indicate the presence of a kiln and the third trench will cut across two enigmatic and apparently parallel linear features which may have associated pits.
Scarborough Archaeological and Historical Society have loaned tools for the excavation. The site is at Green Lane Farm, SE90984 59165.