Virtual Lectures

During the winter months September to April, ERAS holds a series of lectures for members on the third Wednesday of every month commencing at 7:30pm at the University of Hull. These lectures however had to be suspended in March 2020 due to coronavirus.

As an alternative, we have worked with ERAS members and contributors to develop a programme of virtual lectures that commenced in October 2020.  At the request of members, we have agreed, with the presenter’s permission, and where the presentations have been pre-recorded, to add the following links to past presentations.

Now that Covid restrictions have been lifted our lecture programme has re-commenced at the University of Hull, but again at the request of members our lectures are now also livestreamed from the university lecture theatre exclusively to ERAS members via Teams.  The presentations have also been recorded and with the presenter's permission have been added to our video library located in the 'Virtual Lectures' tab.


