On a regular basis ERAS produces a newsletter which is sent out to all members. Please press the button above to access the archive of past editions of the newsletter from as far back as 1979.
ERAS Publications
ERAS also produces 'East Riding Archaeologist' which is our main publication. Each edition provides information about major archaeological undertakings and discoveries in the East Riding area. New editions are sent out to members free of charge, but back issues may be purchased either at our lecture meeting, summertime public events, or via this website. A selection of editions are available to purchase directly from our online shop, or may be purchased via our catalogue as detailed below:
Purchasing through our online shop.
A selection of our newest editions are available for sale at our online shop. Please press the button above to access our shopping list. Please note that there is a £3.50 additional charge for post and packaging which will be added to the prices quoted. We regret that there will be an additional charge for overseas postage advisable on request.
All major credit or debit card payments are accepted at our online shop.
Alternatively, a catalogue of all our past editions for purchase can be downloaded from the website - Click Here.
All prices in the catalogue exclude postage and packing. Invoices for orders from the catalogue are sent out with the order.
For more information about the 'East Riding Archaeologist' or to purchase an edition from the catalogue, please contact Angela Fawcett at [email protected]
Press here to download the catalogue of 'East Riding Archaeologist' past editions