The conference will take place on Saturday 6 April 2019 between 10 am – 4.30. It has been inspired by Tony Pacitto (1931- 2003) – archaeologist, photographer, air photographer, excavator, geophysicist & metal detectorist.
The venue is: Byron & Austen Blake Rooms, Canham Turner Building, University of Hull, Cottingham Road, HULL, HU6 7RX (Postcode for Inglemire Lane entrance and carparks HU6 8JG). The building has disabled parking and access with lift to the first floor rooms.
The programme can be downloaded from here: Programme and Booking Form
Conference organised by the Prehistory Research Section of the Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society, in association with the University of Hull and East Riding Archaeological Society, ERAS.
Papers will focus on landscapes within the East Riding of Yorkshire and parts of North Yorkshire, reviewing techniques for revealing archaeological sites from prehistory through to the medieval period. There will be some new insights into Iron Age chariot burials and the later prehistoric settlement of the Wolds.