The Field Study Group is an informal group that meets throughout the year. Meetings are normally held on the FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month and begin at 7.30pm.
This group enables members to learn about fieldwalking, excavation, recording and the study and processing of finds. Sometimes people bring along items, photographs or news articles of interest for discussion, at other times members pool information gathered about a particular topic.
The Field Study Group complements the programme of lectures by offering members an opportunity to gain practical, hands on experience of planning, recording and handling of artifacts in addition to doing some landscape archaeology.
January 04, 2017 at 6:00pm - 9pm
St. Nicholas Community Centre
Holmechurch Lane
Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 0PY
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Holmechurch Lane
Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 0PY
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Graham Myers
· 07815 088573