Our Field Studies Group will meet at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 5 April in our usual venue at St Nicholas Church Parish Rooms, Holmechurch Lane, Beverley HU17 0QP. Entry is via the front doors, take the stairs on the right and our meeting room is at the top of the stairs on the right. We usually pack up around 9 pm.
We are in a little bit of a transitional stage with our Field Studies Group whilst our new Field Studies Officer, Matt Walker, settles into the role and we decide on how to progress with the Skiff Lane Romano Briitish pottery assemblage. So, we will be bringing pottery and bone samples in for very new members to handle and identify as an introduction to finds identification. We may also continue to develop the skills we were working on back in our November session - working on setting up planning grid squares and introducing planning conventions. The sessions are very friendly and informal so don't be shy - get yourself there and learn some new archaeological skills. We look forward to seeing you there. Please message if you have any questions.
April 05, 2023 at 7:30pm - 9pm