Lecture: Excavations Around Hull Minster - Ken Steedman

It seems appropriate, approaching Christmas, that Ken Steedman, who has recently returned to Hull and rejoined Humber Field Archaeology, is kindly giving a lecture on the excavations which have taken place around the former Holy Trinity Church, now Hull Minster. During the creation of a new café and other alterations to the building and its environs, much has been revealed about the development of the church from its 13th century beginnings and the burials around it.

Free to ERAS members

£2 entry for guests

We also stream the lectures digitally but this is available to ERAS members only. An email will be sent before the lecture with the relevant code needed to view the presentation so please make sure we have an up to date email address.

December 20, 2023 at 7:30pm - 9pm
LT1, Wilberforce Building, The University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Hull
