Lecture: Excavations at Skipsea - Jim Leary and Elaine Jamieson (University of York).

In May ERAS members were privileged to be given a guided tour of these excavations at one of our most important monuments, Skipsea Castle, by the presenters of this lecture, Jim Leary and Elaine Jamieson. It was being excavated by York University as a training dig, and is the first year of a six year project which will include investigating what could be a 10-11th century timber hall as well as looking at parts of the adjacent Skipsea Baille Mere, a large body of water which the better known Norman ‘Skipsea Castle’ would have overlooked. We ae delighted that Jim and Elaine have agreed to present the latest results to the Society and very much look forward to hearing about updates since our visit to the site.

Free entry for ERAS members

£2 entry for guests

We also stream the lectures digitally but this is available to ERAS members only. An email will be sent before the lecture with the relevant code needed to view the presentation so please make sure we have an up to date email address.

February 21, 2024 at 7:30pm - 9pm
