Kipling House Farm Excavation 2019

We have now received confirmation from Peter Halkon that this year's excavation at Kipling House Farm near Middleton-on-the-Wolds will commence on Monday 2nd September and ERAS members are invited to participate.

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Round Up Lecture - Wednesday 18 September 2019, 1930 hrs, LT2, Wilberforce Bldg, University of Hull

Our first lecture of the season is our 'round up' where local archaeological practitioners discuss their work over the previous year. We are delighted to welcome Ed Dennison representing local archaeological company EDAS, Sam Griffiths representing the CITiZAN Project, and Dr Peter Halkon representing the History and Archaeology department at Hull University. Entry to the lecture is free to current members and £2 to non-members. We look forward to seeing you there.

Hanging Grimston Summer Excavations



Hanging Grimston Excavations

A joint project between Scarborough Archaeological and Historical Society and the High Wolds Heritage Group we are currently undertaking our fifth season of excavations at Hanging Grimston.


Members of ERAS are cordially invited to a guided tour of the site followed by a visit to the excellent Art and Archaeology Exhibition in Thixendale  Village Hall.  There is also a guided tour to show the history of Thixendale village followed by a visit to the Church for the sound and light show.


The site is located at Mount Pleasant Farm [Grid Reference SE 7998 5991 Post code YO41 1QZ] , which is near Kirby Underdale There is plenty parking on the site Please note - the site is a sloping grassy hillside. 


Meet at the site at 11.00 am this Saturday, 27th July.


There is also an Open Day at the dig on Sunday 28th July when you are invited to join one of the Guided walks at 11am or 2.30pm .


Admission is FREE   Light refreshments will be available.    We hope to see you there.


Please contact Alison Spencer on 0774 707 5277 or

Email :  [email protected] for further information and to advise of attendance.

Field studies walkabout 7th August

As a change from pottery identification and recording, Les Hebb has kindly offered to lead a guided tour around Bishop Burton village on Wednesday 7th August.  This will replace our usual meeting at the St Nicholas Community Centre.

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CITiZAN - Festival of Archaeology

Members may be interested in the event below. We have a great relationship with the CITiZAN Team - and we are hopeful they will be joining us at our September round up lecture. In the meantime though - do join them on this interesting guided walk in Hull on 19 July - an opportunity to find out more about local maritime heritage - as well as the work that CITiZAN are involved with in our area.
